New Month, New Site

New Month, New Site

At this point, it seems easy. I’m typing the words as I always do. But I’ve spent more than a few moments thinking about this transition, and will spend many more getting to know this new format.

What matters most is that the old posts are here, all 4,440 of them. You can find them through the archives drop-down menu or by category when you click a post title.

When I started this blog in 2010, I hoped that it would be a “slow, patient accumulation of words.” And it has been. But it’s become something more, at least for me. It’s a record of moments — funny, sad, poignant — shards of colored glass in a kaleidoscope I hold up to the world.

3 thoughts on “New Month, New Site

  1. Welcome to your blog’s new home, Anne! Also: 4,440 — what a terrific number of posts.
    I continue to love the simplicity of your enduring format. Well done indeed.

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