The Weeds

The Weeds

Since I work outside most days now I’m constantly reminded that there will always be work to do for those who lift up their heads and look around. I say this because of the weeds, which will always be with us. 

Whereas I used to walk around the office, make my way to the kitchen and brew a cup of tea, now I walk down the deck stairs into the backyard and pull a bunch of stilt grass … or crab grass … or dandelions.

Weed eradication is strangely satisfying. It’s a way to improve the yard that takes no imagination or forethought. The material is always at hand, and there are infinite possibilities. It’s also not unlike editing. Instead of removing the errant dash or comma, I pull up the wild strawberry. 
It’s all in a day’s work. And like all sweet toil, there is never an end to it, only a pause. 

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