

Nothing unites an office like a rodent on the loose, and this week, my office has had one. I first heard about it from my former cubicle mate, who spotted a telltale tail sticking out of a crack in a partition. The mouse looked like it was trying to fit into a hole it was too big for, she said, and laughed.

But laughing wasn’t all that was going on. A few minutes later, there was a scream from another part of the office. The mouse had struck again.

Soon, mouse spottings became the topic of conversation in the kitchen and the hallways. I heard from someone on the other side of the building who said a mouse had been living in his potted plant.

Either this is a very well-traveled varmint or … it’s a whole family of ’em.

I put my money on the latter.

(Above: Mrs. Tittlemouse, a most tidy, particular, sweet little mouse. Let’s hope the Winrock “mouse” is cast in her image.)

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