Shut-Down Blackout

Shut-Down Blackout

I noticed the difference the minute I stepped into the office. People were chatting with neighbors, hanging out. No one seemed in a hurry to get to work. I waved and smiled but moved right to my computer. I have a lot to do today, so I was going to get right to it.

Except … I couldn’t — and can’t.

There’s no power in the office, no internet service. I’m writing this courtesy of my cell phone’s hot spot.

With the partial government shut-down in its second month, with the State of the Union address postponed and a husband and daughter both furloughed, this has a bit of a “are you kidding me?” quality about it.

Maybe the power will be back on again soon. Maybe today’s votes in Congress will shame lawmakers and leaders into working together. Maybe we will all learn to live together in peace and harmony.

I would settle for just one of those, the first one. And that’s good … because I imagine that’s all I’ll get!

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