In Praise of Service

In Praise of Service

When Dad posed for this shot he was younger than my youngest child, a 21-year-old man with a skip in his step and (though you can’t tell it from this picture) his heart in his throat. It was terrifying to be a tail-gunner in a B-17 bomber, to fly across Germany with the enemy shooting at you, to return to the base in Horham, England to see the empty bunks of those who didn’t make it back from their own bombing missions.

So of course I’m thinking about Dad on this Veterans’ Day. But I’m also thinking about Drew, my brother, a civilian in harm’s way, using his skill and knowledge to protect our country.

How important it is on Veteran’s Day to thank those who are not yet veterans, who are still in active service, or even those not in the military at all, but who nevertheless risk their lives to keep us safe and free.

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