Semana Santa

Semana Santa

It’s Holy Week and I’m imagining I’m back in Sevilla, where Semana Santa is a very big deal. This is what I love best about traveling. That even though I must leave the place, the place never leaves me. It stays in the angle of the light, the heat of the day rising up off the paving stones, the expressions of the faithful waiting patiently for the procession.

The taste of Semana Santa that we experienced in last June’s Corpus Christi celebration is what I’m remembering, and I’m multiplying it by, oh, a hundred at least. The religious floats are much larger, the crowds much denser, the people more serious and pious than they were last summer (and they were seriously pious then). 

It’s the holiest week of the year for Catholics, and in Sevilla, that’s abundantly clear.

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