A Compass

A Compass

It is a day of clouds and sun, of wind and flower. I have yet to walk; I’m about to now. But I can tell from the weather that the wind will challenge, the sun will warm and maybe the rain will fall, too. It will be a walk that is not unlike life.

I found in my photos a snapshot of a small windmill, a decorative one, I think, but suitable enough for illustration. It makes me think about how much a day can buffet us and how important it is to have a compass, something that helps point the way, that keeps us on track. Something that keeps us heading down our own truth path, steady to our own true north.

One thought on “A Compass

  1. After reading your post, I realized that I often am caught up in just slogging through the day–seeing the wind's buffets and rain and other "bad" weather as something to be endured, rather than embraced.

    Today, I will go outside and just enjoy the air, sunshine, wind, and whatever weather comes up and be thankful for another day of life!

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