A Classic Dilemma

A Classic Dilemma

Last weekend I decided to do something special for my blog on its first anniversary, a little facelift, so to speak. Blogspot has new templates so I experimented with some of those on Saturday. I fiddled with background pictures, fonts and shadows; with line rules of varying widths and thicknesses; with navigation bars in everything from chartreuse to puce. Then I became impatient, pushed some buttons I shouldn’t have — and in an instant the old familiar design was gone.

I will admit that a tiny moment of panic ensued. I didn’t want my blog to have an ugly green bar across the top. I wanted those clean spare lines, the thin rules around the title, the subtlety, the white space. I wanted my old blog back.

It took the better part of two hours to return to the “classic” template (Blogspot doesn’t make it easy for you), and once I did I had to re-install all the little extras I’d had there before — using HTML code no less. But I made most of the changes. So the blog that looks almost the same as it used to is actually not the same at all. It is new born.

And I add to the list of benefits A Walker in the Suburbs has brought me yet one more: to be less timid of technology. I’m still a Luddite, just not as much of one.

2 thoughts on “A Classic Dilemma

  1. Good for you for trying! HTML code writing is not for the faint of heart. Come to think of it, writing in general isn't either, but as you describe, you just have to hold your nose and jump in.

  2. Whew, a close call. But how about those big, red berries (or cherries) in the photo, just busting out from the blue sky and crying out, "Spring is here, the world is renewed"? Technology: a tool, but perhaps a brittle one. A tree and its fruit? LIFE!

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