A Walker in the Himalayas

A Walker in the Himalayas

Sunrise in Nagorkot

Today I did what I do so often at home: take off walking to see what I can see. Only today I wasn’t sure where I was going. Oh, I had a basic idea, but it was very basic … and I had no sooner walked down a hill than I realized I would have to walk back up it again.

That’s OK, I told myself. I was using both the up muscles and the down muscles. And it wasn’t that awkward walking through a village where I was so close to one house I could smell the coffee. (Actually it was, so I snapped only one picture there, and very quickly.)

I eventually reached my destination by jumping in a cab with two Russians, only to end up at the same observation tower I had been to before. There I ran into Chinese tourists I’d seen on my second trip down the hill and shared another cab that finally deposited me at Club Himalaya in Nagorkot, where I was meeting a colleague.

Whew! Maybe I should call this a Cabber in the Himalayas.

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