Around the Yard

Around the Yard

Whenever possible I like to step outside in the middle of the day and walk “around the block” — the block being an unconventional one that includes the service road behind conjoined office buildings, one of which I work in.

This gives me a chance to stretch my legs and clear my head.  If a story I’m working on has been giving me trouble, the walk will often show me the lead, transition or conclusion I need to wrap things up.

But lately, I don’t even have time for a walk around the block. So I’ve begun what I call (in my mind) a walk around the yard. Just as there is no block here, neither is there a yard. But there is a plaza in front of the building, picnic tables, seats, an arbor.  On warm days people play ping-pong or take a zumba class (only the brave souls who don’t mind an audience).

Even a five-minute stroll can loosen the old gray matter — and often does.

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