Mostly Mozart

His birthday was yesterday, but my mind was elsewhere when I wrote Monday’s post — mostly in the clouds, I guess.
But Mozart was in the air all day, courtesy of my local classical station. I heard symphonies and sonatas and divertimentos. I caught the entire 21st Piano Concerto and for fun pulled out my music and followed along. There in pencil were my teacher’s notes: “Play softer!” “No pedal!” I still can’t believe that I was able to memorize and play the first movement of this piece with my high school orchestra. But apparently I did, and I have the music to prove it!
Mozart was with me then and in the months and years leading up to that concert. And he was with me yesterday, wafting through the airwaves, pulsing through my earbuds during a late-day walk. My day may not have been totally Mozart, but it mostly was.
(Photo: Musikverein in Vienna. Title: With apologies to Lincoln Center’s Mostly Mozart festival, recently renamed.)