Bomb Cyclone

Bomb Cyclone

Two blog posts in a row about weather. Hmmm… Must be winter!

This morning I’ve been reading about the Bomb Cyclone, a winter storm with super low pressures that has brought snow and ice to Florida, freezing rain to South Carolina and blizzard warnings to parts of my own state. Here it’s a windy snowstorm with beastly cold to follow.

What I’m thinking about (snug in my warm house) is whether naming weather systems makes them more formidable. Used to be, it was just hurricanes. Now we name snow storms (“Snowmaggedon”) and cold snaps (“Polar Vortex”), too. Every year we have Super Storms and Storms of the Century.

Whether this is due to the extreme weather patterns or Weather Channel proclivities it’s difficult to say, but one thing I know for sure: Weather hype makes a difference. I’m much colder in a Polar Vortex than I am in an ordinary chill.

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