Bountiful Begonias

Bountiful Begonias

Some years it’s the impatiens that rule the yard, other years the day lilies shine. This year, it’s the begonias that are taking my breath away.

They’re big without being leggy. Their whites, pinks and reds are brighter, more intense. They are, hands down, the most attractive flowers in the neighborhood. And I don’t just mean my begonias, the ones in pots on the deck (pictured here), but the ones at the neighborhood entrance and all over the area, they’re gorgeous, too.

Begonias have long been the workhorse annual of the garden. They are cheerful whether dry or wet, and they last well into the fall. There’s a tendency, to discount them, much as we do the always willing friend.

So today, I break ranks, take notice and find the time to say, thank you, begonias, for a summer’s worth of bloom.

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