Bringing the Outside In

Bringing the Outside In

A friend at work is retiring and yesterday she gave me her plants, a small begonia and a Christmas cactus. These join my anemic spider plants and seen-better-days African violet on a table (another bequeath) in front of the alley-view window.

My office now has cleaner air and slightly softer outlines. It has a bit of the jungle about it. It will be nice next week to be greeted not just by a spot of green but by a veritable wall of it. There’s something about bringing the outside in that does a heart good.

And speaking of that, I am in search of a cyclamen for the holidays. If it is even half as profuse and lovely as last year’s, we will be in good shape.

2 thoughts on “Bringing the Outside In

  1. I love my office garden! Lucky bamboo, a snake plant, various ivies, orchid, prayer plant and my favorite, a goldfish plant. I went from a windowless work space to an office with very gracious windows and light. Love it!

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