Turns out there’s not only a wood shortage and a computer chip shortage but also … a parakeet shortage.
The local animal shelter had only a bonded threesome. And pet store clerks said that shipments of birds sell out the same day they arrive.
Our new bird, Toby, was part of a “shipment” of three, first seen huddled in the bottom of a cage at the local Pets Mart first thing on a Monday morning.
“I just put them in the cage an hour ago,” said the manager, who seemed to know and love the critters she was caring for. “They’re really scared.”
Toby, the green-and-yellow bird above, was sitting slightly apart from the other two parakeets at the pet shop and seemed the one most likely to be a boy, though all bets are off on gender at this point.
More to the point, he spoke to me, not literally, though if he wasn’t living with another bird he might learn to. No, it was more of a psychic connection. There seemed to be a valiant little spirit in him, something plucky and endearing. He and Alfie first sat cage-by-cage and now perch side-by-side. It’s still early, but they seem to like each other! If only it was always this easy.