Midday Finish

I think, I hope, that I’ve completed one of the two research papers due this weekend. This is welcome news since I have another one to go. The other one is well along but by no means finished.
The dilemma now is what to do while the first one “marinates.’ I learned long ago not to push send too quickly. It does any written work good to sit a while, to settle, much like a cake cooling on a wire rack after you take it out of the oven. Cut into that cake too soon and you’ll be sorry.
Should I plunge immediately into the next project? It takes some time to shift gears, to remember where I was when I knocked off working on the other one late Monday. There’s always lunch and the newspaper to while away an hour or so, to punctuate the time. A midday finish should mean taking a complete break, but today the break will be mini, with promises of a longer one to come.
(No picture of a cake cooling; this one will have to do. It’s making me hungry!)