Up and Out
Like many people these days I don’t need to leave my house to ply my trade. I can do it quite comfortably from my in-home office. The temptation, then, is to stay inside far too much, especially in the mornings, when I do most of my writing, and especially in winter, when it’s cold.
But lately, I’ve been trundling out to a 9 a.m. Wednesday yoga class, climbing into a frigid car, battling rush-hour traffic (that again?!) and reaching class barely in time for sun salutations.
I love my small class — and the people in it. And I’ve come to realize that I also love getting up and out “early” one day of the week. Early is relative, of course. I used to leave the house before 7 every day.
(A photo from the old days of “up and out.”)