Drive to Walk

Drive to Walk

Now that I have a little more time on my hands (emphasis on “a little” … but I’ll talk about that in another post), I often drive to walk. That’s drive to walk, not to work.

Before, I had meetings and deadlines that meant I would slip out of the house with 30 or 40 minutes only. No time for the 10-minute drive to my favorite Reston trail — only enough to get me up and down the main drag of my neighborhood.

Which is not a bad stroll. In fact, it’s still my go-to favorite, with houses and people I know and a path so familiar I could probably trudge it in my sleep.

But now I can mix it up a little, even though that means indulging in the great suburban irony — driving … to walk. 

(Bridge over Glade Creek on one of my favorite drive-to trails.)

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