Hats Off
Today about 500 Oakton High School seniors will parade through the doors of George Mason University’s Patriot Center on their way to the future. “Pomp and Circumstance” will be playing, video cams will be whirring and I think I can safely say that about midway through the commencement address a few students will reach into their robes and slip out inflatable beach balls, blow them up and toss them into the air. Red-faced administrators will scowl, wave their arms and maybe catch a ball or two. But soon more beach balls will appear, kids tapping them with their finger tips, sending them up into the air, laughing and playing. The rules of school are no match for the exuberance of youth.
What the kids don’t yet know is that the rules of school are replaced with the rules of life — tougher, less forgiving. But for now, they can pretend there are no rules at all. For now, they can whip off their hats and throw them up in the air. For now, there is only joy.