I.S. Monday

I.S. Monday

Today my thoughts lie across the frosty Allegheny Mountains, hundreds of miles north and west of here to a small town in Ohio where a silly parade will step off at 5 p.m. Students in costumes and face paint, at least one mannequin head on a stick and several kilt-wearers with near frostbitten knees will be led by a bagpiper and an administrator dressed as a Tootsie Roll. The pipes will drone “Scotland the Brave” and the jolly band will weave its way through the College of Wooster campus.

The celebration is all part of I.S. Monday, the day Wooster students turn in the independent studies they’re worked on for months (in some cases years) and receive in exchange a Tootsie Roll and a parade. It seems like only a few months ago that Suzanne was writing us about all the excitement when she witnessed the festivities her first year in college; now it’s her fourth and final year — and she and her fellow ’11 classmates are the stars of the show.

A parade to honor academic achievement, what’s been described as “an academic Mardi Gras” — that’s an idea that appeals to me. To say nothing of the Tootsie Roll!

Photo Credit: The College of Wooster

2 thoughts on “I.S. Monday

  1. Do the students dress up in a theme that matches their independent studies project? That would be interesting. And of course, your readers are wondering what Suzanne chose as her I.S. …

  2. I don't believe they do, but they sometimes display the number they are given when they submit the thesis (procrastinators have the highest). Suzanne wrote a piece of historical fiction, a memoir of one of Hitler's mistresses (the only one who didn't kill herself).

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