Lamp Light

Lamp Light

Our neighborhood has no street lights. The night walker’s way is lit by the diffuse glow of lamp lights, porch lights and garage lights. To make our way through the darkness we depend upon each other.

Though I grew up with street lights (and measured time by them), I have always liked our neighborhood’s softer, more individual, approach to pedestrian lighting.

But recently something has happened to our neighborhood light. It’s no longer the fuzzy yellow halo I’ve come to count on. It’s a bright white interrogator-like glare. And that’s because more homeowners now use compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs, which cost less, last longer and are better for the environment (in the long run).

As for our environment in the short run — the mellow-lit porches and lamps as faint beacons along a garden path — that is endangered.

One thought on “Lamp Light

  1. You're right, never even thought about that. The next generation will probably not know the mellow-lit porch lights. Those lights are very distinctive.

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