Look, Ma!

Look, Ma!

I feel like the kid in the old Crest toothpaste commercials: “Look, Ma, no cavities!” I just managed to survive a six-month dental checkup without any request for a pre-six-month return.

“You look good,” said Dr. Wang, he of the “difficult extraction.” Since the almost botched wisdom tooth debacle four years ago, I’ve been through three crowns and one root canal with the guy. He’s grown on me.

When he suggested the root canal, a last-minute decision, I said, “Are you sure you can do this? Remember the difficult extraction.”  He smiled. “No, really, I can. I did three just last week.” This is how comfortable I am with him.

It’s like anything else. We went through something together, several somethings. We survived. I’ve watched as his skill has caught up with his confidence level. His compassion, too. Now he will touch my arm in the middle of a procedure. “We’re almost through. Hang in there.”

And somehow, I always do.

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