Narrow Shoulders

Narrow Shoulders

While I miss Garrett County’s bucolic scenery on my suburban walks, I don’t miss the proximity to hair-raising traffic. Those mountain byways had lovely views but narrow shoulders, and trucks careened down them with the confidence born of familiarity — a familiarity I lacked, of course. 

So I treated the roads with caution — or maybe you could say cautious optimism. I alternated walking against the traffic with staying on the same side of it when there was a blind curve or a wider berm. 

And in this way I made my way down Bray School Road to its intersection with Oakland Sang Run Road, or Lakeshore halfway to 219, or Foster to the graveled Betts Lane and back. 

Each time I stood for a minute before turning around, taking in the human-scale hills, the sweet-scented meadow grass, the low hum of a radio coming from a house that’s for sale. I thought about what it would be like to live in that house, amidst such loveliness. Then I turned around and trotted back.

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