

November is National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo, 30 days in which
would-be novelists are encouraged to apply their bottoms to chairs and produce
50,000 words. A contrivance, true, and one I was originally tempted to
disparage. A novel in a month? Really?
But when I thought about it, I realized I was probably more
envious than anything else. Where is the NaNoWriMo for nonfiction writers?
NoFiWriMo? Dont we also need to apply our
behinds to chairs? Dont we also need writing places like Come Write
In (a feature of NaNoWriMo, which I realize has now become an industry)? Arent our tortured souls also
yearning to Finish Something?
Of course, nothing is stopping me from signing up for
National Novel Writing Month and writing, say, a memoir. Nothing except the sheer terror of having to produce it, of course. And since its already November 17, I would have to crank out thousands of words a day to make the 50,000 word deadline.

No, thanks …  I’ll  just keep writing the old-fashioned way, word by word, page by page … blog post by blog post. 

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