Year’s End
Yesterday the end of the trail. Today the end of the year. But the sun is out, and it feels like a day of promise, one that could just as easily be a first rather than a last. But it is a last. The end of a long, hard year. Also the end of a year of wonder and fulfillment. A trip to Africa! A son-in-law!
As I take stock of 2015, though, I can’t say I’m sad to see it go. It was the last year Mom was on this earth. It was a time of challenge at work. I’ve had better years.
Still, I’ve had space these last few days to catch my breath, to write and think. And that means I can see the patterns a little better than I did before. I have a little more faith that I can right myself.
Maybe that’s what holidays do for us, especially this megalopolis of holidays. It gives us the time to see where we’ve been, dream of where we might be going.