My Favorite Chore

Few parents will admit to having a favorite child, but who won’t come clean about a favorite chore? Mine is emptying the dishwasher. I just completed this task and am more than ready to sing its praises.
I open the machine early in the morning, as tea water comes to a boil. My first reaction is always surprise. How did the dishwasher do it? The buttery knives, eggy forks and food-caked bowls are shiny and clean, almost like new. The hard work is done. All that remains is to sort and stack — and that’s the fun part.
In a world of chaos and disarray what could be more pleasing that slipping spoons into their assigned spots in the little tray? Or stacking plates and sliding them into the cupboard? Or nesting bowls? In cabinets as old and small as mine, there is much nesting. All the more satisfying.
Today is the first full day of a new presidential administration. It’s 12 degrees outside. I have a ton of homework. But I just emptied the dishwasher, so the world looks a little bit brighter.